The Theoretical: Theory of baryogenesis, dark matter/energy, and asymmetry connections.

The Theoretical: Theory of baryogenesis, dark matter/energy, and asymmetry connections.

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By: Ian Davis

Why is there an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, and why is that necessary for our universe to exist?

The Big Bang, or the highest granting theory to the start of the universe, should have created an equal amount of antimatter and matter. However, the observation of the violation of CP-symmetry by Chien Shiung Wu and the basis of Baryon asymmetry shows that there is more matter than antimatter. This does not make sense; something must have tip these balances. This action is known as baryogenesis.

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Right after the big bang, particle-antiparticle pairs were immediately starting annihilation; knowing that both antiparticle and particle have the exact same mass and just a different charge (a charge of -1 and +1 may annihilate to 0), we should assume that in that manner of time and space, all matter and antimatter should have annihilated itself. Due to this, all of the particles coming from an epicenter would have annihilated, leaving their energy products to all that would remain of the universe. However, the matter we see today had to have survived the annihilation process. This tiny portion of matter – about one particle per billion – managed to survive, baffling scientists and leading them to believe a force or an unknown play is interrupting the annihilation process.

Particle-physics experiments by the Large Hadron Collider have shown that the laws of nature do not apply equally to matter and antimatter. Yet they have also observed that before annihilation, a time section - millions of times per second before they decay - an unknown entity is interacting, causing transformations before they hit. So what may this unknown interaction be? Scientists have high-energy proton collisions to determine why oscillating particles are decaying primarily into the matter. They have found small differences occurring at the Large Hadron Collider, yet they never found the answer.

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CERN, a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory globally, had considered the "flipping of a coin" to the answer. If you were to flip a coin, there is a 50-50 percent chance to land either heads or tails, as this can be applied to the beginning of the universe, where the right amount of coins were to be flipped, an equal amount of tails and heads would occur, meaning the same amount of oscillating particle would be antimatter and regular matter, canceling out for equilibrium. Yet, imagine if a special type of marble were to roll across were this "table" flipping these coins, it could disturb the balance by causing all of those local coins to land on head, adding more matter than antimatter in this case. A case in point, what is this "marble"?

Perhaps this is a volley between equilibrium and fluctuation, as two particles that should have annihilated have existed together. These particle pairs are known mesons, which specifically contain an anti-quark and a regular quark, and they have unique abilities. Neutral mesons can spontaneously turn into their own anti-meson and vice versa. This is because the quarks inside spontaneously turn into their opposing antiquark and quark, respectively. Still, many projects and experiments have shown in more than one direction than turning opposite which disturbs the equilibrium and creates the massive probability of creating more mater than antimatter over a longer period of time.

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Key: GeV - Gigaelectronvolt, MeV - Megaelectronvolt, c^2 - speed of light squared, ≃ - asymptotically equal to

Strange (≃0.096 GeV/c^2 or ≃96 MeV/c^2) and bottom quarks (≃4.18 GeV/c^2 or ≃4180 MeV/c^2) have been found to exhibit asymmetrical abilities, and both carry out a negative charge; only 1/2 of the quarks exhibit that. The only positively charged quark in theory that would form asymmetrical matter-antimatter particles would be a charmed particle, yet if it were to be, it would be basically unnoticeable due to the existence being so small and difficult to detect. However, a D-meson or a meson that is comprised of the same model but with charm quarks, observed in the LHCb Experiment, is big enough to have been able to observe asymmetry on a larger scale.

Perhaps the matter-antimatter asymmetry is caused by the same mechanisms interacting with the strange and bottom quark asymmetries.

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There are two prevalent theories: The Universe was born with more matter than antimatter, Or something happened extremely early, like when the Universe was very hot and dense, creation of matter/antimatter asymmetry existed where there was none initially.

We cannot test the first theory, as a creation of an entire universe is virtually impossible currently, but to think that there was more matter than there was antimatter at the creation of the universe probes at other theories on how the universe itself truly started, maybe perhaps there was another previous universe that hailed with the degradation of antimatter into the regular matter, yet it is untestable.

The second theory gives us promise with ambiguity. At the beginning of the universe, it was so hot, volatile, and generally crazy that rules could not have developed yet or perhaps were in an environment where they could not be enforced. This theory can be testable, as we may recreate the environment in which these rules could have been changed or perhaps undone. It is feasible to even for the world we live in today. We have created temperature imaginable of what we think was the temperature of the initial blast of the big bang for approximately 10^−12 to 10^−6 seconds. This example would include Quark-Gluon Plasma, which reached temperatures of 4 trillion degrees celsius inside the CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) housed in Switzerland and France.

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To recreate this baryogenesis, we must have three requirements as presented by Andrei Sakharov that would produce matter and antimatter indifferently:

1. The Universe must be an out-of-equilibrium system.

Equilibrium, also known as a state of rest where equal action of both opposing forces cancels out to create a neutral environment. As we had already explained, the universe is seemingly, as a grand scale, asymmetrical and does not follow equilibrium. To create a place where there is more matter than antimatter, out of equilibrium occasions must occur; for example, baryon-asymmetry must be less than the expansion of the universe, creating unequal opportunities, and in this case, particles and antiparticles do not create thermal equilibrium due to decreasing annihilation incidents.

2. It must exhibit C- and CP violations.

Also known as charge parity symmetry, it is the rule that all particles and their opposing particles will stay equal when undergoing charge conjugation or the switching of charges between the two. The parity part states the exact same process yet with the spin of a particle and spatial coordinates.

To gain the demand of the violation, another symmetry, T-symmetry, also known as time symmetry, must have to be violated as well. Violated these principles is a possible task, as Chien-Shiung Wu's experiment proved that violation can occur, including a test at the LHC, which proved 20% of results showed CP-violation.

3. There must be baryon-number-violating interactions.

Baryon number violation is necessary to create an imbalance of matter to antimatter. BNV dictates that the combination of CPT-antisymmetry and unruly conditions will need to be present to dictate that there will be more baryons than anti-baryons and unruly conditions, which will not compensate for the imbalance.

This gives us an insight into the possible early universe conditions; perhaps equilibrium rules did not exist due to the unstability, causing the mishap of matter and antimatter to happen, effectively satisfying Sakharov's conditions.

Another theory presents the expulsion of antimatter from the presiding matter-filled universe we observe today. Some cause, like different dimensions, perhaps even another undiscovered force, pushed the remaining antimatter reserves into out-of-boundaries to the point where we cannot observe them, causing annihilation to happen very rarely.

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Synopsis/Explained in English:

The universe, as all rules dictate, must be completely equal and follow equilibrium. If the universe were to follow this rule, all regular matter to anti-matter particles would have eliminated. However, in the currently observable universe, we see an asymmetry or unequal matter to antimatter ratio, proving that there is more matter than antimatter.

There is no direct explanation on why this is happening, but there are prevalent theories and proving environmental conditions that can make it happen. Three main conditions published by Andrei Sakharov states that there must be baryon-number violating interactions, CP-violation, and out of equilibrium interactions to create more matter than antimatter. But a case in point is how these conditions were created and why an unknown entity prevented or interrupted the interaction and annihilation of particles and anti-particles.

I will explain in my proposed theory.

Proposed Theory:

Due to the standard physics model, we attempt to fit a lot of concepts, rules, exceptions, and states into one general map; however, what if this wasn't the case. I believe that the conditions were so volatile and unruly that certain rules, states, and forces were violated early in the universe. I state that granting on the fundamental force theory, or the theory which states that all of the 4 combining forces had combined into one unifying force that requires so much energy, the universe's energy, which was present in one spot at the big bang, the epicenter. This fundamental force prevents the weak interaction and other particle forces from working due to unification. Instead, it acted as a mediator for the universe, propelling the majority of antimatter/antiparticle outward and into farther reaches due to expansion and no force uniting, as well as matter. The matter that seemingly was too much for this unifying force (due to the short time it existed, I proposed it existed around the same time as a quark-gluon plasma or 10^−12 to 10^−6 seconds) was left; the parts per billion had been all that was left for the matter around us to exist.

There are rebuttals with this theory: If the regular matter was not affected as much as antimatter even though there should have been the same amount created, why is there more matter? I say that the experiments at LHC prove me right, to say that fundamental forces and quantum reactions act differently towards anti-versions due to the small underlying differences, or as quoted early in this paper, "Particle-physics experiments by the Large Hadron Collider have shown that the laws of nature do not apply equally to matter and antimatter" perhaps propelling it due to same charge or same chirality. Almost like a magnet against a magnet with the same charge, which would not be far off due to electromagnetism being a part of the unifying fundamental force.

Would you agree with my theory? What contradictions do you have to my theory? If you were to create a better explanation, what would it consist of?

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What are dark energy and dark matter? Are they similar, different?

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Dark energy and dark matter are polar opposites of each other despite the name. They are competing forces, but that is about the most extensive knowledge we know, as there are more questions than answers. 

Starting with dark energy, it is the basis of equilibrium as it is non-localized and spread throughout the universe equally despite the shape or size. This is theorized to be directly tied within the universe’s expansion due to the properties of pushing outward. It is also known to make up about 74% of the universe, opposed to 21% of dark matter and 4% of regular matter; all numbers fluctuate, but there is more dark energy than dark matter and regular matter.

There are many theories about what dark energy is; one prevalent theory presented by Albert Einstein is that dark energy is a property of space itself. As there are properties of space for many reasons, it could begin expansion due to the new property of dark energy. He also states that due to the non-localizing effect of dark energy, it comprises all “empty space” of having an energy value or level, causing the expansion to happen due to the outward push, perhaps an equilibrium push to expand beyond. Dark energy is not diluted when it expands due to being a property of “empty space,” meaning that it would still expand. It states that when more and more space is to be continued, more of the property of dark energy exists, even though it is contrary to the Law of conservation of energy/mass.

All of this would be mediated by a “cosmological constant,” also known as the energy density of space, or vacuum energy, that arises in Albert Einstein's field equations of general relativity, which is created due to this theory. No one knows or would be able to currently explain why there would even be a cosmological constant or even have the right value or responsibility to cause the universe's expansion.

A second theory originates from the quantum theory of matter. This theory states that space or “empty space” is full of temporary/virtual particles that continually form and disappear. Yet this theory is far-fetched as the energy required for that amount of space is ridiculous; they state it would be 10^120, or the Shannon Number amount, units of energy (Does not state which units, but no matter what it is a large amount) also known as a vigintillion. 

Thirdly, another theory states that dark energy is a kind of dynamical energy fluid, perhaps a field. They believe that it fills all of space but has the opposite effect on normal matter and energy. This dynamic energy was called "quintessence," or the fifth element to Greek philosophers. This theory does not have any strings attached and is not flesh out products. 

One last theory is that Einstein's theory of gravity is actually incorrect. This would inevitably affect the entire way we see the universe. If his theory is not correct, then the expansion of the universe, normal matter clusters, and how clusters of galaxies create themselves would be seen differently. We will have to publish new findings if his entire theory is discredited. This would provide a solution to dark energy by rewriting the rules and decide if dark energy is a new gravitational rule. We would be able to observe this new rule: observing galaxies come together into clusters.

Yet if there is room for a brand new theory, how would we describe the motion, general gravity, and movement of most celestial objects like the sun? This theory that would disregard another theory is not promising.

Oh, and no, dark energy or dark matter have not been confirmed as actually dark. Dark is a term used in this case to signify mysterious or unknown, not dark in color that we know of.

Theory for dark energy: The most logical theory I would side with would be the quintessence theory. To summarize, the quintessence theory is that dark energy is some kind of dynamic energy fluid (most likely not literal fluid) and perhaps a field known as the quintessence field. It would fill all of space and has the opposite effect on normal matter and energy. This abides by evidence of a quintessence field, as violations of Einstein's equivalence principle and variation of the fundamental constants in space or time. This theory would also have strong ties into scalar fields and the string theory due to a binding theory to their problem of cosmological inflation, the renormalization theory that predicts that scalar fields should acquire large masses.

Due to the following question relating to matter and antimatter, we are stuck on why all of the matter and antimatter particles did not cancel out, also known as the polar opposite reason of dark energy's purpose. However, models of the quintessence theory suggest that the quintessence field has a general density that closely tracks (but less than) the radiation density until matter–radiation gains equality, almost like a Higgs Field in many ways. This would trigger the quintessence field to begin as dark energy and begin to dominate the universe, hence why dark energy was to have a small energy scale.

What do you think of dark energy? Do you believe it is a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, a new theory of gravity, or something else?

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Next dark matter, as it is incredibly localized, utilizes the ability to pull inwards, almost like gravity. Dark matter is believed to have a mass-energy density of 2.241×10^−27 kg/m3, and like dark energy, more is unknown than is known. It can fill around ~27% of the universe, and it is theorized to be incredibly non-visible; while it is not "dark," it could be transparent. It is also not in clouds or clusters like any other average matter or matter made up of baryons. This is tested and proved due to baryonic clouds absorbing radiation, opposite for dark matter. Dark matter, although mistakenly, is not antimatter because it does not annihilate and release gamma radiation. It also does not bend light, or gravitational lensing, when in contact with photons or general light, opposing to normal matter, which bends it at different intervals and strengths. This has been proven due to about the required about the observable universe, 25-27% also the same number of dark matter, does not create gravitational lensing, meaning that is represented by dark matter.

The most common view of dark matter is that it is not baryonic matter or made of baryons like protons and neutrons (or theoretical like the Lambda, charmed Lambda, bottom Lambda, Sigma, charmed Sigma, bottom Sigma, Xi, charmed Xi, charmed Xi prime, double charmed Xi, bottom Xi or Cascade Bbottom Xi prime, double bottom Xi, charmed bottom Xi, charmed bottom Xi prime, charmed Omega, bottom Omega, double charmed Omega, charmed bottom Omega, charmed bottom Omega prime, double bottom Omega, double charmed bottom Omega, and charmed double bottom Omega). The matter is generally made up of three quarks. Instead, they believe that it is made up of exotic particle known as axions or even WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles)

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Galaxies in our universe are said to be an impossible feat. They are rotating at such breakneck speeds that the gravity generated would not hold them together, leading to the idea that dark matter is acting as a mediator or a special assist that binds it together. The idea goes that something, a dark matter perhaps, gives these galaxies extra mass, which generates extra gravity, but is yet to be observable. We only know its effects because of its placing, but it itself is not observable yet. This dark matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force; the force carrier is a photon, meaning it does not reflect, absorb, or emit light, making it even harder to detect. 

Dark matter outweighs regular matter, baryonic matter, 6-to-1, or 27% to 5% of the universe. How would it generate mass and the general amount to metaphorically outweigh something? Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider believe that theoretical "supersymmetric particles" may provide clues to this epiphany. But to detect is the hard part; since dark matter is not observable, the particles making it up should be undetectable. The only detectable part of this concept would be the energy and momentum that the particle would fly out with during a reaction of some sort. 

One theory, also known as the "Hidden Valley" (yes, like the ranch) theory, states a parallel world made of dark matter with very little in common with regular baryonic matter. A similar theory states that supersymmetry, or the relationship between fermions and bosons that have an integer and half-integer spin, respectively, and different dimensions may be at work here but have yet to be fleshed out theories.

A secondary theory, also known as the Cold Dark Matter or CDM theory, assumes that dark matter particles are completely collisionless aside from the acting force of gravity. 

A third theory known as the SIDM or self-interacting Dark Matter states that a new fundamental force, a so-called "dark force" that would interact between dark energy and dark matter, allows dark matter particles to interact with one another.

Theory for dark matter: The theory I would most align with would be the SIDM theory. This theory states that dark matter and possibly dark energy are mediated by a fundamental force known as "dark force," which would be entirely new. Not only can the SIDM theory be plausible for a large body like spanning dwarf galaxies - but they also provide an explanation for low and high surface brightness spiral galaxies and clusters of galaxies which we already discussed. It also obeys the Lambda-CBM model as well as baryon symmetry.

As more is being uncovered, we still know less than we know. If you were to propose a theory, what would it include and why? How do you feel about the theories presented?

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Last theory of unification - The Dark Fluid Theory

The dark fluid theory is the final theory of unification, or the unifying force of dark matter and dark energy, and it makes a lot of sense. This theory calls for dark energy and dark matter to be the same entity and depend on their properties and name on the local energy density, which would dictate their behavior. As we know, dark energy repels and expands, while dark matter pulls and decreases expansion. In this theory, a certain energy amount localized in the area tells whether it should increase expansion like dark energy or decrease it like dark matter. Dark fluid is theorized to act like dark matter when it is in a region of space where baryon density is high - which means that whenever it is in the presence of matter it is to slow down and coagulate, which is to attract more dark fluid, which is to coagulate around that too and amplifying the activity of gravity around this coagulated force. 

This effect is always present but will only be noticeable when enough has formed and presented in a large mass like a galaxy. The ability of this theory to be true is highly probable for at least dark matter, as well as certain equations, may be able to prove dark fluid.

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