The Theoretical: Do gravitons exist, or should they?
The Theoretical: Do gravitons exist, or should they?
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We have realized that all forces have carriers; like we had previously discussed, they are minimal and come in waves, typically. We also know that the four forces are further split into two ranges, two with an infinite range like electromagnetism and gravity. Two with limited ranges (ones dealing directly with particles) like weak forces and strong force. We also can determine the strength; starting at the top, it goes Strong Force (duh), Electromagnetism, Weak Force, and then gravity. Yet, with that strength barrier comes our epitome.
Gravity is infinite and the weakest force, meaning that if two objects, just two, that had mass were the only things in the universe, no matter how far apart, they would attract each other due to gravity, but incredibly slow depending on distance due to the strength of gravity. So that must mean there is a particle that carries out its' will, correct? Not that we know of, but it could be possible.
Due to the actual abilities of gravity, like becoming weaker the farther apart per square of a unit of distance (i.e., 1/r 2), we can conclude that the graviton could and must have ZERO mass. We have concluded this because if a photon, electromagnetic carrier, had mass, it would completely change the formulas exponent into something else entirely;. At the same time, that may not seem like a grand deal; we know a lot about these forces, and that formula is so incredibly accurate and precise, changing it would break everything. So with this, gravitons have no mass, and therefore if they have no mass, they move at the speed of light, like photons.
General relativity may have given us some insight into this idea, as a tensor (an algebraic object that describes a multilinear relationship between sets of algebraic objects related to a vector space) of rank two (two rotation matrices) is ideally a source of gravitation, or that the particle has a spin of two. Again, a second conclusion to this is that a graviton is completely massless and spin two-particle, one of a kind; if you observe something like that, boom, you've found it.
Now we know how it could work and what it would possibly do, so why can't we observe it to confirm it? Its unique abilities are our downfall again, as gravity is lengthy but weak, meaning it has to be small. To put this into perspective, the force between the electron and proton in a hydrogen atom is 10^39 times stronger than gravity in the same example (this is acted by electromagnetism, of course), meaning it's really, like fragile, that's a 39 zero difference mind you. You can observe the strength difference directly, like holding a magnet with metal, see how it doesn't obey gravity anymore because of the stronger force? Exactly.
This tells us one thing, gravitons if they exist, are so fragile and small that they would be practically impossible to detect. Again, humans always find a way, and we make a lot of unique ideas and stuff, meaning it could be possible to detect a really unique graviton if possible manipulation were to occur. Still, nevertheless, we aren't there yet.
Quantum mechanics tell us a lot, but one thing we can pull from it is every particle is a wave of the vibrating type. QM also tells us that there are many dimensions, so it could be possible that these particles could be so small that they could go into different dimensions, possibly so small that they could vibrate in different dimensions or wrap around them like a tight piece of jewelry. So if we have multiple dimensions, that would bring in more dilemmas, as now we have possibilities for gravitons that don't exist in our current dimension. Now the creation of different gravitons (different to us at least) is like "taking a sine wave and wrapping it around a cylinder" (Lincoln para. 11), but this may even have a problem, as the vibrations have mass as well. They would need manipulation to fit their surroundings, creating more problems.
Gravity is one of the most known/unknown forces out there, as it's all around us, the weakest, but we don't know jack squat about it. Proposing the theory of gravitons and fitting it as our own standard model of this new particle would solve many problems, but who wouldn't say that it would create more problems than it solves.
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